Monday, July 30, 2018

Nick Krauser Facts

Nick Krauser PUA. 

International Man of misery

Top gamma conspiracy theorist

Racial purity white knight

Angry little man 

Emotional like a girl

Is he paid shill? Can this idiot be for real?

Nick Krauser PUA Nazi

Good to hear Nick showing his real views. All screen saved so he cant deny this later

Nick Krauser Jews Twitter

Good to know that Nick Krauser wants to gas jews and those who are not in his Alt Reich Stormfag reality

I wonder what his site hosting and book publisher will think now we have sent his Twitter history to them

Nick Krauser Holocaust Denier

Good to see Nick Krauser back to his old truths after pretending he didnt have such views.

You can see Nick Krauser open about being a White Supremacist, a Holocaust deniar and a Nazi supporter.

What a great guy he sounds

Nick Krauser White Supremacist

Welcome back Nick Krauser [Nick Smith] to Twitter as he has a new account from being banned. His new name is K Anon @nick_krauser

Is Nick Krauser a White Supremacist? He answers this question himself on his Twitter