Thursday, April 19, 2018

Nick Krauser Inner Game

He got this painted of himself. A very small ego lol

The inner game of Nick Krauser is a good example of things to not be. He is angry, insecure, bitter, jealous, revengeful, easy to trigger. This is why his only method is to bully others and try to seem like leader by putting other people down. You should ask people that know of him.

For this he needs people around him so he can puff himself by pushing them down. We have many stories about Nick Krauser and his old wing Bodi PUA, Nick Krauser and his former friend Steve Jabba, Nick Krauser and the guys he lived with in Hampstead London. Ask these people not us and you will understand real character of Krauser [Nick Smith]

Why is the inner game of Krauser like this? He seems very broken so maybe it is something which happened with his family or with one girl.

We know Krauser has a ego which is thin and fake. We know he was not really a fighter like he says but just a commentator for Japanese martial arts when he lived in Japan.

You can see the inner game of Nick Krauser by what he is putting on his site. Only angry posts hating everyone. Hashtag drama queen.

Krauser is googling himself very often (we can see this from our site analytics) so he will be reading this. Well Nick it is time the bully got bullied so lets go.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Nick Krauser Is Mad

Nick Krauser is mad!. He found this site and it triggered him so bad! Krauser loves to roast other people and dig in dirt but when we do it back to him he has a melt down.

Well Nick Krauser PUA get the popcorn because its gonna be a shit show. Each time you write a post angry at someone we will write a special post for you. You love drama so you will love this Nick.

You say you have no secrets. Are you sure Nick Krauser? Do you want to say now about your behaviours in the Hampstead London house? Do you want to tell us about prostitutes in Asia and Cuba and even London with Steve Jabba? Do you want to tell us all about your tinder profile before we show it?

Its all screen grabbed and saved Mr Nick Krauser PUA so lets get the party started.

Do you have more stories about Nick Krauser PUA? Send to We have 3 emails already which we shall put on here when we see steam coming from the head of Nick Smith!

Nick Krauser Beliefs

Nick Krauser [Nick Smith] was open for a long time about his White Supremacy beliefs but since the twitter ban he has started to deny the posts he used to make on RooshVForum, his blog and his instagram which the screen grab is from.

Nick Krauser is traditional conservative puritan and loves "Daddy Trump" as he says. He was openly anti jew, anti gay, anti everyone (until watch dogs warned him) and very conservative like a "cuck" as they say.

It is not surprising that he made his blog originally to copy the White Nationalist Roissy (now called Heartiste). Compare the two blogs and you will see what we mean. Kinda creepy.

Is this why Nick Krauser is angry? Because White Nationalist means White Knight? Nick Krauser spends all his days angry at everything. Well this blog is one more thing we guess.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Is Krauser PUA Aspy?

Nick photoshopped his head on to a guitar player body. I am not joking. Look at the first post on this site about the Nick Krauser rock band scam. 

Aspy means someone with aspergers syndrome symptoms. He has lots of signs of autism that's for sure...

Lack of empathy, strange eye contact and posture with people, friendship failures, can't read social cues well, difficulty understanding listeners perspective, unusual preoccupation and obsessions, need for sameness and routines, lack of interest sharing enjoyment

Is this why Krauser PUA is odd when he gives talks or odd when you try to say hello on the street.

Is this why Nick Krauser is always tries to tear people down rather than bring people up?

Is this why he always seems so miserable and negative?

Why Is Nick Krauser Angry?

Krauser is mad but why?

He went to Japan to teach English and married a Japanese girl who left him for another guy. Is this the reason?

He is in his early 40s and he lives with his parents in Newcastle England. Is this why?

Maybe but nobody can be this angry just because of that.

The gamma symptoms of Nick Krauser show he was born like it maybe. He is classic gamma which means bitter, reactive, defensive, snappy, showing off IQ, jealous. This post will get him angry and reacting for sure. He will never forget it or forgive it.

In one word he is INSECURE.

This comes out as anger at everything. Hate of his readers. Hate to anyone that challenges him. Hate to guys better with girls than him. Hate to anyone and everything not like him.

Here you can see him panicking after he got banned from Twitter and reported to his website host and various watch dogs. He now claims he didn't mean what he wrote on Twitter and that it was 'an exercise to build up my amygdala.'

We have his Tweets. And now does wordpress and his book publishing platforms so watch this space.

Nick Krauser has had many online meltdowns. He creates a lot of drama himself which is usually what females do.

Do you know why Nick Krauser PUA is always mad? Write us down in the comments

Friday, April 13, 2018

Nick Krauser Character

Nick Krauser PUA is angry and mad about everything so we thought we would make a post about these things and why he is like he is.

She is a ten Nick says

This is the so called hot girls of Nick Krauser

Do you remember his Twitter before he was banned? We have the archive of his tweets such as these ones

"Next trip to Europe I'm going to experiment with the 'sieg heil' opener, and goose stepping to raise my vibe"

"Back in the 1990s when I read a dozen Chomsky books, I used to think right-wing death squads were a bad thing. Used to"

Now he is trying to pretend he never held the views he has about holocaust denial and neo-Nazi ideas. His hatred is about anyone who is not white British. Don't believe his u-turn now he is saying he was only making the comments as an experiment.

He is bullshitting about many things like his stats

The way to start to know his real character is to see what his former 'friends' say about Nick Krauser. The best books we found are the two by Bodi PUA titled "Death By A Thousand Sluts" Parts 1 and 2. He lived with Krauser and traveled with him for daygame and he writes the truth about his behavior. Soon we will publish all the sections in the book about Nick Krauser PUA.

Here is the painting Nick Krauser got painted of himself. Small ego for sure

Have you lived with Nick Krauser? Have you had coaching from Krauser PUA? Email us with your stories or make a comment on this blog.

We found out about this guy who is now a wing of Nick Krauser. He is called online Roy Walker. Have you met him also?

Are you a girl who has met Nick Krauser on the street from his daygame? Write to us

Krauser PUA rock band SCAM

Nick Krauser PUA [Nick Smith] always likes to roast others so we thought it was time to make a whole site doing the same to him. We will make the site and a new Youtube channel about his character plus his history online.

The first posting is about his rock band scam. Did you know he tells girls he meets that he is a guitar player in a touring rock band? Did you know he created a fake website, reviews, art works, even music tracks for this scam? We have got screen shots of every thing as when he sees this he will probably try to hide it all.

Go to his Instagram before he does and follow the link for his band The Damnable Cads.

Fake album art works

Fake scam reviews

Nick Krauser does not play guitar so he has photoshopped himself. He has got fake reviews and fake band members.

On his Instagram you will see some of his '10/10' girls he tells gullible guys he picks up. The quality is not what he claims.

This is his last girlfriend we believe

If you are in east europe this year and visit cities like Belgrade or Prague or Moscow then please look out for him and send us photos of him talking to girls. The email for this is

Also if you have had a bad experience with Nick Krauser then email us and we can share your experiences on here and the new Youtube channel coming later.

It is time to shine a big light on Nick Krauser and his goings on. We are sure not just us will enjoy documenting this strange angry individual.