He got this painted of himself. A very small ego lol
The inner game of Nick Krauser is a good example of things to not be. He is angry, insecure, bitter, jealous, revengeful, easy to trigger. This is why his only method is to bully others and try to seem like leader by putting other people down. You should ask people that know of him.
For this he needs people around him so he can puff himself by pushing them down. We have many stories about Nick Krauser and his old wing Bodi PUA, Nick Krauser and his former friend Steve Jabba, Nick Krauser and the guys he lived with in Hampstead London. Ask these people not us and you will understand real character of Krauser [Nick Smith]
Why is the inner game of Krauser like this? He seems very broken so maybe it is something which happened with his family or with one girl.
We know Krauser has a ego which is thin and fake. We know he was not really a fighter like he says but just a commentator for Japanese martial arts when he lived in Japan.
You can see the inner game of Nick Krauser by what he is putting on his site. Only angry posts hating everyone. Hashtag drama queen.
Krauser is googling himself very often (we can see this from our site analytics) so he will be reading this. Well Nick it is time the bully got bullied so lets go.