Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Nick Krauser Beliefs

Nick Krauser [Nick Smith] was open for a long time about his White Supremacy beliefs but since the twitter ban he has started to deny the posts he used to make on RooshVForum, his blog and his instagram which the screen grab is from.

Nick Krauser is traditional conservative puritan and loves "Daddy Trump" as he says. He was openly anti jew, anti gay, anti everyone (until watch dogs warned him) and very conservative like a "cuck" as they say.

It is not surprising that he made his blog originally to copy the White Nationalist Roissy (now called Heartiste). Compare the two blogs and you will see what we mean. Kinda creepy.

Is this why Nick Krauser is angry? Because White Nationalist means White Knight? Nick Krauser spends all his days angry at everything. Well this blog is one more thing we guess.

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